Cover Pool

Collateral comprises only private homes, including single-family homes, tenant-owned apartments and, to a marginal extent vacation homes. Lending only takes place in Sweden and the geographic distribution in Sweden is well-allocated. All lending is in SEK and all foreign currency is swapped to SEK.

Länsförsäkringar Hypotek gives information in accordance with the ECBC "The Covered Bond Label", a common standard for increased transparency in the European covered bond market.

Read more about The Covered Bond Label

National Transparency Template 2024

Report 30 June 2024
Report 31 March 2024

National Transparency Template 2023

Report 31 December 2023
Report 30 September 2023
Report 30 June 2023 
Report 31 March 2023

National Transparency Template 2022

Report 31 December 2022
Report 30 September 2022 
Report 30 June 2022
Report 31 May 2022
Report 30 April 2022
Report 31 March 2022
Report 28 February 2022
Report 31 January 2022

National Transparency Template 2021

Report 31 December 2021
Report 30 November 2021
Report 31 October 2021
Report 30 September 2021
Report 31 August 2021
Report 31 July 2021
Report 30 June 2021
Report 31 May 2021
Report 30 Apr 2021
Report 31 Mar 2021
Report 28 Feb 2021
Report 31 Jan 2021

National Transparency Template 2020

Report 31 Dec 2020
Report 30 Nov 2020
Report 30 Oct 2020
Report 30 Sept 2020
Report 31 Aug 2020
Report 31 Jul 2020
Report 30 Jun 2020
Report 29 May 2020
Report 30 Apr 2020
Report 31 Mar 2020
Report 28 Feb 2020
Report 31 Jan 2020

National Transparency Template 2019

Report 30 Dec 2019
Report 29 Nov 2019
Report 31 Oct 2019
Report 30 Sep 2019
Report 30 Aug 2019
Report 31 July 2019
Report 28 June 2019
Report 31 May 2019
Report 30 April 2019
Report 29 Mar 2019
Report 28 Feb 2019
Report 31 Jan 2019

National Transparency Template 2018

National Transparency Template 2017

National Transparency Template 2016

National Transparency Template 2015

National Transparency Template 2014

National Transparency Template 2013

National Transparency Template 2012

Cover Pool and Covered Bond Data 2013

Cover Pool and Covered Bond Data 2012 and earlier

Covered bond data 31 Dec 2010 – Dec 2011
Cover pool data 31 Dec 2010 – Dec 2011

Additional information 31 Jan 2013 - 31 March 2014