
BankID is a form of e-identification and a safe means of identifying yourself online. Among other things, it allows you to sign to confirm details and make orders from companies, organisations and authorities.

You can also log in using our mobile app and on "Mina sidor" via your computer using your BankID. In addition to this, you can also send money using Swish, submit your tax declaration, register the care of a child (VAB), make changes to parental benefit, change your address and register a company.

BankID is free

BankID is free and you can choose:

  • Mobile BankID for smartphones and tablets, which is valid for three years
  • BankID in a file for computers, which is valid for two years

When the validity period is up or if you switch mobile telephone, you simply need to order and download a new BankID.

Who can get a BankID?

  • You can get a BankID from the moment you turn 16
  • You must be registered in Sweden and be in the SPAR register, which contains official information on residents
  • If you have protected personal data, you will be unable to acquire a BankID