Five Year Summary

Below you will find Länsförsäkringar Bank Group's Income Statement, Balance Sheet and Key Figures from the last five years.


Income Statment, SEK M 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013
Net interest income 3 996,3 3 454,8 2 994,3 2 580,4 2 230,4
Net commission -750,3 -567,5 -440,9 -319,4 -252,9
Net gains/losses from financial items -49,9 68,4 96,6 97,8 -85,7
Other operating income 60,9 117,1 97,3 92,1 211,9
Total operating income 3 257,5 3 072,9 2 747,3 2 450,9 2 103,7
Staff costs -549,0 -469,8 -462,0 -441,1 -426,6
Other administration expenses -960,4 - 1 021,7 -980,2 -876,2 -789,7
Depreciation/amortisation and impairment of property and equipment and intangible assets -91,5 -76,3 -124,1 -209,0 -114,2
Total operating expenses -1 600,9 - 1 567,9 -1 566,3 -1 526,3 -1 330,6
Profit before loan losses 1 656,6 1 505,0 1 181,0 924,6 773,2
Loan losses, net -57,7 -37,6 -6,1 10,0 -126,4
Operating profit 1 598,9 1 467,3 1 174,9 934,6 646,8
Tax -361,9 -330,8 -263,8 -222,8 -168,0
Net profit for the year 1 237,0 1 136,6 911,1 711,9 478,8


Balance Sheet 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013
Assets   2 016,0 2 015,0 2 014,0 2 013,0
Cash and balances with central banks 17,0 21,6 21,5 25,8 108,5
Treasury bills and other eligible bills 10 531,5 7 867,2 8 824,0 5 409,3 4 881,4
Loans to credit institutions 265,0 280,2 502,7 1 789,6 5 957,9
Loans to the public 261 444,2 226 705,0 201 964,4 179 424,3 162 003,2
Bonds and other interest-bearing securities 35 717,8 32 809,7 31 991,3 36 104,1 35 200,6
Shares and participations 38,3 25,4 15,5 11,7 88,9
Derivatives 5 125,5 6 216,7 4 414,4 5 257,6 1 337,7
Fair value changes of interest-rate-risk hedged items in portfolio hedge 248,0 635,9 815,3 1 146,5 550,8
Intangible assets 969,3 488,3 306,2 309,6 397,1
Other assets 587,3 515,6 528,1 456,7 591,9
Prepaid expenses and accrued income 422,5 385,5 1 696,1 2 245,0 2 601,5
Total assets 315 366,3 275 951,1 251 079,5 232 180,2 213 719,5
Liabilities and equity          
Due to credit institutions 3 995,9 3 872,8 2 954,2 3 390,1 1 860,6
Deposits and funding from the public 99 403,6 91 207,1 83 924,8 76 789,7 69 220,0
Debt securities in issue 188 406,7 155 999,5 139 882,1 128 656,4 123 634,9
Derivatives 1 166,4 1 643,6 2 394,2 2 591,7 2 780,3
Fair value changes of interest-rate-risk hedged items in portfolio hedge 1 200,2 3 191,4 2 899,4 3 824,4 645,9
Deferred tax liabilities 508,0 421,6 296,0 214,2 143,7
Other liabilities 801,5 607,5 705,8 783,4 755,8
Accrued expenses and deferred income 2 959,1 3 229,8 3 666,4 4 033,6 4 090,2
Subordinated liabilities 2 596,5 2 595,4 2 299,7 2 299,7 2 299,7
Equity 14 328,4 13 182,3 12 056,9 9 597,0 8 288,4
Total liabilities and equity 315 366,3 275 951,1 251 079,5 232 180,2 213 719,5


Key figures 2017 2016 2015 2014 2013
Return on equity, % 10,0 10,1 8,9 8,3 6,7
Return on total capital, % 0,53 0,54 0,48 0,42 0,31
Investment margin, % 1,32 1,28 1,22 1,15 1,06
Cost/income ratio before loan losses 0,49 0,48 0,57 0,62 0,63
Common Equity Tier 1 capital ratio, Bank Group, % 24,30 24,80 23,70 16,20 -
Tier 1 ratio, Bank Group, % 26,80 27,50 26,60 16,20 -
Total capital ratio, Bank Group, % 32,10 33,40 32,00 20,60 -
Common Equity Tier 1 capital ratio, consolidated situation, % 23,30 21,20 21,40 13,90 -
Tier 1 ratio, consolidated situation, % 24,80 23,20 23,70 13,90 -
Total capital ratio, consolidated situation, % 28,10 27,60 28,20 17,50 -
Percentage of impaired loans, gross, % 0,11 0,11 0,12 0,17 0,23
Reserve ratio in relation to loans, % 0,11 0,11 0,14 0,19 0,25
Reserve ratio in relation to loans, incl. withheld remuneration to regional insurance companies, % 0,14 0,17 0,19 0,23 -
Loan losses in relation to loans, % 0,02 0,02* 0,00* 0,00* 0,08

* Includes the dissolution of reserves.